All in One – System Rescue Toolkit – May 2017 Update and Changelog

I am excited to announce that the 2017 version of my All in One – System Rescue Toolkit is now available!

Toolkit Giveaway Winner

Thank you all for your wonderful feedback submissions!  The toolkit giveaway winner is Rodney from CompTriage.

The rest of the submission authors will be notified via email as soon as the new version download is available.

Release Schedule

This new version will be released in 2 stages:

  • Stage 1 – Fundraising for 1 month.  OFFICIAL DOWNLOADS WILL NOT BE UPDATED.  Only physical media orders will contain the new version.  Unfortunately, there is a very real cost for me to provide my time and effort as well as provide the free download.  Please consider ordering the new version on CD or USB to help me prepare for the worldwide download surge.  Donations are welcome, but you must use the CD/DVD order form to get the new version because it securely provides me a verified mailing address using PayPal.
  • Stage 2 – The old 2016 version will still be available via official downloads during fundraising month.  Downloadable updates will be pushed out to mirrors and available via BitTorrent and direct download starting 01 June 2017.  If you want to download the new 2017 version for free, you must wait until fundraising is complete.  BEWARE FALSE DOWNLOADS!  There are people renaming malware and viruses as popular downloads, including my toolkit.  To be safe, make sure you only download the toolkit from the toolkit project page. The physical CD/USB and downloadable versions will be the exact same version after 01 June 2017.  Thank you for your patience and understanding!

The All in One – System Rescue Toolkit project page has been updated to reflect the new 2017 version.  Thank you all for your feedback and support over the last year.

2017-05-26 Changelog

  • Overall changes
    • LZMA / 7-Zip – updated the compression used by LiveCD squash.fs filesystem and included applications for maximum compression
  • LiveCD
    • Lubuntu 16.04.2 LTS base – faster booting, lower memory footprint, lightweight applications
    • Includes Abiword and Gnumeric for document viewing
    • Includes PDF Document viewer
    • Includes Picture viewer
    • 64 bit EFI and BIOS capable – still requires 64 bit CPUs for EFI support requirement on EFI systems and Apple Macs
    • Added “Boot Repair”
    • Added “ClamAV” – for LiveCD antivirus scanning, requires internet connection to update virus signatures
    • Added “System Profiler and Benchmark” – system information from LiveCD
  • Autorun
    • No longer officially supporting Windows XP or Vista due to Microsoft End-of-Life support.  Most applications and methods may still work on older systems.
    • No more wallpaper changing!  New background desktop information method is used.
    • New feature: Automatic Download Cache – When running AiO-SRT from USB, the app will use the USB storage for caching downloads (…\extras\cache).  This should greatly speed up repeat toolkit usage for USB toolkit users.
    • Additional error checking for downloads – scripts were crashing under various scernarios even with previous error checking.
    • New feature: Quick troubleshooting icons for CPU / RAM / HDD.  Changes green, yellow, red based on status.
    • Updated applications to latest version available from software creators
    • Bugfix: Now using several methods to end tasks so that automation does not get stuck.
    • System Information Tab
      • New feature: System Information tab provides copy/pasteable system info
      • Saves data to AiO-SRT logs when using autoFIX and Lite Version
    • General Tab
      • Build Flash Drive – now native instead of batch file.  Supports making Flash Drive on non-English Windows
      • Replaced FreeCommander with Explorer++
      • Removed RoboCopy GUI
      • Lite Version is packaged and can be placed on desktop
    • Hardware Tab
      • Added gsmartcontrol – SMART details and HDD testing
      • Added testdisk and photorec to Data Recovery
    • OS Repair Tab
      • Added BlueScreenView
    • Software Tab
      • Removed hibernate toggles – this was originally for a specific Windows XP hibernate bug workaround.  XP is End-of-Life
      • Added RichCopy
      • Added Rufus – create bootable USB drives from ISOs
      • Added Big Solitaire’s 3D – can play solitaire while you wait on long tasks
    • Networking Tab
      • Removed WinMTR
      • Added PortQueryUI
      • Added putty
      • Added bping
      • Added Zenmap
    • Security Tab
      • Removed ESET SysInspector
      • Added ESET Online Scanner
      • Added ClamWin Antivirus
      • Bugfix: COMODO Cleaning Essentials download link changed
    • AV Removal Tab
      • Bugfix: McAfee Removal Tool link changed
    • autoFIX (and Lite Version)
      • Added “Diagnostic Only” preset
      • Updated presets and categories to reflect new software
      • Added Miscellaneous section (Lite Version to Desktop, Music while you wait, Solitaire while you wait)
      • Windows Update Repair now included in Lite Version and autoFIX automatic mode
      • Bugfix: Lite Version / automatic mode was getting stuck on CPU test
      • Bugfix: Lite Version / automatic mode was getting stuck on Microsoft Safety Scanner when there was an incomplete or corrupt download

5 Replies to “All in One – System Rescue Toolkit – May 2017 Update and Changelog”

  1. i have found this software very easy to use
    you also have many options to check your computer faults
    and fix them while you are on a different job
    I am very happy with this program my version
    star rating is for me is 100/100

  2. Hey Paul, fantastic work mate.

    I’ve spent so much time over the years doing what you’re doing, but never finding the time to finish the job properly, always just making do because I was so busy servicing systems, then running the business etc. (I’m sure you know what I mean)

    I’ve tried every possible boot disc from every possible source, always a huge disappointment. Your Toolkit though is just brilliant. All my techs now use it daily and swear by it.

    Just tried to make a payment through PayPal but couldn’t get it to go through…PayPal error message once it got to me signing into my account, basically saying the last transaction hadn’t gone through for an unknown reason. I’ll try again until it goes through, & I’ll get any other techs I know who are using your Toolkit to do the same.

    Keep it up, talk to you soon

    1. Thank you for the kind words. I am excited to see the reception of the new 2017 version once it hits free download on the first of June. I think anyone that likes this toolkit will love the new version.

    1. I am purposefully not uploading any downloadable copies until 01 June 2017. This is a clearly stated fundraising campaign to help me prepare for the download surge. I know people are excited and I appreciate any donations to help me prepare, but physical copies will be the only versions available until the fundraising period ends.

      Download links have a tendency to spread like bad gossip, and I have had to put measures in place because there were people abusing and hot-linking (directly linking to my resources without any credit or page landing). I don’t want to take the chance of being ill-prepared for the surge by uploading anywhere and having my site go down due to lack of bandwidth, resources, monitoring, etc.

      Just some backstory to why I chose this fundraising process for all to read: My original release was 100% free download available from the beginning because it was not worldwide known at the time. Over the last year with LifeHacker, CHIP, Facebook, MajorGeeks, and all the other places listed on my References (click here) page plus others that were not major enough to mention, I have been through a fair share of website outages when the surges hit.

      This is a free tool and it will always be free for the public, but, as you all can see on the toolkit project page popup asking for donations, there isn’t a ton of money flowing in to “keep the lights on”. Fundraising is my attempt to “keep the lights on”.

      Thank you all for your understanding and set your calendar reminders for 01 June 2017!

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