Custom Branded All in One – System Rescue Toolkit?

I have had several requests over the years and have recently been toying with the idea to offer a branded version of the toolkit at a premium price.  Some tech shops out there want to display their own logos and branding on software they use.  The desktop link that drops to the desktop could drop a company’s website link instead of my website link, for example. Continue reading “Custom Branded All in One – System Rescue Toolkit?”

Do you use MalwareBytes Premium? I need your help!

UPDATE:  I have been informed by many of you that MalwareBytes is no longer blocking my website.  Thank you all for your support!

Here’s the scoop.

My toolkit website is being detected by some folks using MalwareBytes Premium as a malicious website.  I am not sure what I did to get blacklisted by MalwareBytes, but I believe it is through a false positive detection.  The link for “false positive” takes you directly to the MalwareBytes page explaining what a false positive is.

Continue reading “Do you use MalwareBytes Premium? I need your help!”

All in One – System Rescue Toolkit (and Lite) 2017 is ready for download

Thank you all for your support and patience during fundraising month!  I welcome your continued support to help keep this project alive going forward.

I have already updated the project pages with the new version download links.  If you are able, please consider using the torrents to speed along the download process for yourself and others.

Technician Version: All in One – System Rescue Toolkit

Lite Version: All in One – System Rescue Toolkit Lite

Changelog: All in One – System Rescue Toolkit – May 2017 Update and Changelog

2017 Upcoming changes and toolkit giveaway!

Almost 1 year ago today, I released my All in One – System Rescue Toolkit to the public and a fantastic review soon followed on LifeHacker.  In the last year, and hundreds of thousands of downloads later, many more articles have been published on tech websites and blogs worldwide.

I have decided to celebrate the last year of my toolkit’s success with a giveaway.

Continue reading “2017 Upcoming changes and toolkit giveaway!”

Cloning fakeRAID is possible with the All in One – System Rescue Toolkit

As a tech, I have storage media just lying around and decided to upgrade my RAID-1 desktop.  This desktop is mainly used for entertainment and communication, so it is hardly critical.  I would have taken a different approach to client computers or my home server, but…I was in a hurry and made a few mistakes along the way.  Here is how I did it… Continue reading “Cloning fakeRAID is possible with the All in One – System Rescue Toolkit”

It’s finally here! Announcing AiO-SRT Lite!

Have computer problems but don’t want to call a technician just yet?  Download and try it!

I have finally put together an easy to use version of my All in One – System Rescue Toolkit.  This “Lite” version can be run by ANYONE, you don’t have to be a tech guru or dig through some crazy files to fix some common computer problems!

If you are a technician and want to direct friends and family to an automated tool developed by a tech professional without all the bloatware, feel free to share!

This is NOT one of those “Free PC Repair” scams or “Free Registry Cleaner” scams that claims you have thousands of problems then tries to rope you into paying $30 – $60 to “fix” them.  While I do ask for donations to support the project, this is far from the scare tactics used by the junk software out there.

I have been reading the published reviews, comments, and forum posts since the release of my toolkit a few months back.  There has been some talk and excitement from you all about getting your hands on this automated Lite version, and now it has finally arrived!

Click here for the project page for All in One – System Rescue Toolkit Lite