New-ish version?

That is a real image of my build folders, and yes, that 2020 version is a working incomplete build.  I keep older versions, who knows why.  The pandemic hit then life happened and eventually that folder will be renamed to a new date once the build is complete.

I posted about this a while back on the website, but have yet to complete the build.  Thank you all for your support!

Let’s start a Patreon!

Alright, I have made the jump to Patreon and I will look into ways that you all can participate in an exclusive part of the All in One – System Rescue Toolkit community and I offer more involved interactions with me, the creator!

If you have seen benefits of using my free toolkit, you can show a little love with some monthly support!

Live Q&A June 2023

Paul Vreeland, creator of the All in One – System Rescue Toolkit will be doing a live stream development session and taking questions from Patreon supporters.

Paul is a 20 year IT veteran with a range of technical and life skills.  Questions don’t necessarily need to be related to the toolkit.  Answers can be provided for technical support, security & compliance, business or client advice, or just life in general.

Live Q&A June 2023 | Patreon

Live Q&A May 2023

Paul Vreeland, creator of the All in One – System Rescue Toolkit will be doing a live stream development session and taking questions from Patreon supporters.

Paul is a 20 year IT veteran with a range of technical and life skills.  Questions don’t necessarily need to be related to the toolkit.  Answers can be provided for technical support, security & compliance, business or client advice, or just life in general.

Live Q&A May 2023 | Patreon

First Live Q&A

Patreon supporters can come and participate in my development of the next version of the All in One – System Rescue Toolkit and ask questions about the toolkit itself or anything related to my 20 years of IT experience.

Live Stream Scheduled: Monday 01 May 2023 @ 17:00 Mountain Time

New Patreon!

I thank you all for your interest and continued use of my free toolkit over the years. I know it has become stale, and honestly the amount of support that I receive for the toolkit is currently quite limited.

I have a new version that is mostly completed, but it has taken a back seat to other things. I started up a Patreon to see if there are those of you in the community that are benefiting from the toolkit that may want to show a little love back to the project.

I haven’t given up on development and improvements, but with enough support I can put more energy into the toolkit. Also exclusive to Patreon supporters are Discord benefits and even live Q&A sessions, one to one toolkit and technical support consultation, and more!

I look forward to keeping this project alive for as long as possible. Have a great day!

Come check out them out here:


Subscribed Emails Fixed

Hello Everyone!

The plugin that I use to manage emailing list from my website somehow dumped everyone from the main mailing list. Unfortunately, I do not know who was subscribed or unsubscribed due to the error or how long ago the error occurred. If you are receiving this subscribed email in error, please unsubscribe again.

For the rest of you, an update was posted regarding the All in One – System Rescue Toolkit which can be found here: