Why use a DNS based adblock? Because I prefer to try to keep advertisements and pop ups off of all computers that use my internet connection, not just the ones with an ad-blocking browser plugin installed. It also cuts down on bandwidth usage from those auto-play advertising videos and flashing images.
This setup works great using OpenWRT router firmware and dnsmasq for DNS. It was in use on my home router up until recently. I believe that the lists have grown to a size that puts a strain on my aging router hardware so I removed this setup until I get a newer router with more memory.
My particular settings are a mashup of several scripts and resources I found online long ago. Unfortunately I do not have the original sources to provide reference links.
Here is what I used to set it up:
- Linksys WRT54G v4 (4MB Flash, 16MB RAM)
- OpenWRT Backfire 10.03.1
There are several parts I used to get this setup and automated so that the adblock lists update each morning at 05:00. Also I created an account with OpenDNS so that I can forward and filter DNS queries based off of their lists.
These are the changes I made to the OpenWRT router configuration:
- OpenWRT > System > Software
Installed package luci-app-ddns to automatically update our dynamic IP with the OpenDNS service DNS-O-Matic.
- OpenWRT > System > Startup > Local Startup
This script will download lists from various websites and then rebuild them in a way that is useful for our DNS ad-blocking.
# Put your custom commands here that should be executed once # the system init finished. By default this file does nothing. #!/bin/sh #Block ads, malware, etc. logger -t "adblock" -s 'Starting adblock setup...' #Delete the old adblock_hosts to make room for the updates rm /tmp/adblock_hosts logger -t "adblock" -s 'Downloading hosts lists...' wget -qO- "http://winhelp2002.mvps.org/hosts.txt" | awk '/^' > /tmp/block.build.list wget -qO- "http://www.malwaredomainlist.com/hostslist/hosts.txt" | awk '{sub(/^, "")} /^' >> /tmp/block.build.list wget -qO- "http://hosts-file.net/ad_servers.txt" | awk '{sub(/^, "")} /^' >> /tmp/block.build.list wget -qO- "http://adaway.org/hosts.txt" | awk '{sub(/^, "")} /^' >> /tmp/block.build.list if [ -s "/etc/black.list" ] then logger -t "adblock" -s 'Adding blacklist...' awk '/^[^#]/ { print "",$1 }' /etc/black.list >> /tmp/block.build.list fi logger -t "adblock" -s 'Sorting lists...' awk '{sub(/\r$/,"");print $1,$2}' /tmp/block.build.list|sort -u > /tmp/block.build.before if [ -s "/etc/white.list" ] then #Filter the blacklist, supressing whitelist matches # This is relatively slow =-( logger -t "adblock" -s 'Filtering white list...' awk '/^[^#]/ {sub(/\r$/,"");print $1}' /etc/white.list | grep -vf - /tmp/block.build.before > /tmp/adblock_hosts else cat /tmp/block.build.before > /tmp/adblock_hosts fi logger -t "adblock" -s 'Cleaning up...' #Delete files used to build list to free up the limited space rm -f /tmp/block.build.before rm -f /tmp/block.build.list logger -t "adblock" -s 'Restarting dnsmasq...' /etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart logger -t "adblock" -s 'Finished adblock setup' exit 0
- OpenWRT > System > Scheduled Tasks
This will run our startup script every morning at 05:00 to get the latest adblock lists.
0 5 * * * /etc/rc.local
- OpenWRT > Services > Dynamic DNS
This will update our IP address with OpenDNS services for when our IP changes.
Enable: Checked Service: -- custom -- Custom update-URL: http://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD]@updates.dnsomatic.com/nic/update?hostname=[DOMAIN]&myip=[IP] Hostname: all.dnsomatic.com Username: <username> Password: <password> Source of IP address: network Network: wan Check for changed IP every: 10 Check-time unit: min Force update every: 72 Force-time unit: h
- OpenWRT > Network > DHCP and DNS > General Settings
Forward our DNS requests to OpenDNS.
DNS forwardings:,
- OpenWRT > Network > DHCP and DNS > Resolv and Hosts Files
Make sure that we do not use our ISP’s DNS so that all requests get forwarded to OpenDNS.
Ignore resolve file: Checked Ignore Hosts file: Unchecked Additional Hosts files: /tmp/adblock_hosts
- OpenWRT > Network > DHCP and DNS > Advanced Settings
Extra settings that probably aren’t required but I like their usefulness.
Filter private: Checked Filter useless: Checked Localise queries: Checked Expand hosts: Checked No negative cache: Unchecked Strict order: Checked
- OpenWRT > Network > Firewall > Redirections
This firewall rule will re-route all DNS traffic to our router so that our DNS setup cannot be bypassed. If someone specifies a different DNS server in their network config, our firewall will gracefully and transparently redirect the request to our DNS setup.
Add a new entry to Redirections that matches the following. Change the destination to the router’s IP, mine is
Name Protocol Source Via Destination Action DNS Redirect TCP+UDP lan:* Device: lan:* DNAT
Thank you for your post. I successfully used your ideas with openwrt chaos calmer.
Next step I will used privoxy. So far so good.
I have an adblocker app called weblock. The app icon is purple with a hand outline. How do I do your configuration in the app so that I can redirect ads to OpenDNS and speed up my connection. I can set up a dummy proxy and set up a custom proxy as well as blacklist and whitelist rules. How should I do this as well as how should I set up the redirect rules.
No idea. This article is about setting up a specific kind of adblock using DNS and the OpenWRT router firmware.
Yes, much has changed in 2 years. I have a working configuration on the newer OpenWRT and also a newer router that will handle more traffic and more memory for the massive domain list. Most of the configuration stays the same.
This is the new update URL that I use: https://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD]@updates.dnsomatic.com/nic/update?hostname=all.dnsomatic.com
I put one of my domains into the Hostname/Domain field also so that it can do its thing when checking the IP for comparison.
Hello. Sorry for bad english. Now, in Openwrt 15 (chaos calmer), ddns configuration is different: Hostname all.dnsomatic.com is not right. could you please… update that config, please??
Thank you very much.