Facebook Sharing Blocked? You can help!

I found out this week that sharing my website via Facebook appears to be blocked.  If you are someone who enjoys sharing things via Facebook, here is more info and how you can help me share my site and project via Facebook.

After looking into it, there appears to be a block for the domain “is-a-geek.org” and not specifically my website: “paul.is-a-geek.org”.

My website originally started as a small personal website using a free DynDNS domain “is-a-geek.org”.  This domain is owned by DynDNS and can be registered by anyone that uses their system.  Pretty much anyone can have “<something>.is-a-geek.org“, including those that wish to abuse the internet.  And that is exactly what they have done.

Facebook has blocked *.is-a-geek.org, which includes me, most likely because someone out there is spamming people using this domain service.  The Facebook public have appropriately submitted the abuser’s website as being a spammer, and Facebook took necessary action to block the junk from invading their social network.

Now that I have lots of publicity and my web identity is branded “paul.is-a-geek.org”, I am pretty much stuck with this website name without loads of effort.  This would be sort of like changing your phone number if hundreds of thousands of people relied on it to reach you.  I feel we need to help Facebook fine-tune their blocking.  I have already submitted a request to review it, but you can help speed along the process by submitting a request as well to help it gain traction.

How to report my website block as a mistake

Step 1

Visit this link: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/sharing/?q=paul.is-a-geek.org

Step 2

If you see this error message, click “let us know” as indicated by the red arrow.

Step 3

Let Facebook know, in your own words, why you think that my website block is a mistake.  Feel free to link this page in your comment.

Thank you all for your continued support!

4 Replies to “Facebook Sharing Blocked? You can help!”

  1. Same for me for transgarp.dyndns.org I shared links on FaceBook for ten years. For two weeks I had to write a code to show that I am not a robot and since Monday total ban to publish what comes from my website

    1. Thanks for the support! I don’t know how long FB has had me blocked, I just noticed it when I switched out my “Sharing Buttons” to the official sharing API and buttons for each social network.

      1. Hello Paul!

        Did you got your URL unblocked? My website link URL is being blocked and Facebook don’t give me any responses.
        Please help me how to get my link unblocked

        Thank you in advance

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