2017 Upcoming changes and toolkit giveaway!

Almost 1 year ago today, I released my All in One – System Rescue Toolkit to the public and a fantastic review soon followed on LifeHacker.  In the last year, and hundreds of thousands of downloads later, many more articles have been published on tech websites and blogs worldwide.

I have decided to celebrate the last year of my toolkit’s success with a giveaway.

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1 week after publicity started for All in One – System Rescue Toolkit…

About 1 week ago, Alan Henry of LifeHacker was the first person to test and publish an article about my All in One – System Rescue Toolkit.  Thanks again Alan!

Since then, I have lost count sometime during the week on the number of downloads around the 5,000 mark mid-week (3-5 TB of data transferred) since the toolkit is designed to spread itself through BitTorrent.  The toolkit has gone worldwide with way too many countries to list, I can’t even keep track of the shares, new articles, and forum posts anymore!

It has always been a mission of mine to make the world a better place through my work in technology.  Thank you all for your continuing support and helping me realize this mission!