Don’t Panic! New Year, New Position

I decided it was time to move on with my career and have recently become established with an MSP (Managed Service Provider) called Don’t Panic IT Solutions.

For those of you who don’t know about the IT world, there are break-fix shops where you call them when you need them.  Then, there are MSPs which offer overwatch and a more encompassing help desk type role for local businesses.

The type of work I am doing is the same, the main difference is that I am now logging into monitoring dashboards and am more pro-active about computer and server problems instead of waiting for them to break and relying on clients to call in for help.

As far as my All in One – System Rescue Toolkit, this year (or next year’s version) might be the first year I look into doing some custom branding.  The toolkit will always have a free version, but perhaps you run an IT shop and want to pop in a CD/USB toolkit that has your own logo, website, and branding on it.

This branding idea is not concrete or fleshed out yet.  I know some of you toolkit users have been eager to have your own “shop version”, but I will announce it when the time is right.

I have a strong feeling that this year will be a great year in both my career and personal life.  Happy 2018 all!

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