Cold & Wet Snow, Website outage

We are currently experiencing technical difficulties in the form of gross wet snow.  Hang tight if you are trying to get connected to my website, it is up now but may not hold for today.

2017 Upcoming changes and toolkit giveaway!

Almost 1 year ago today, I released my All in One – System Rescue Toolkit to the public and a fantastic review soon followed on LifeHacker.  In the last year, and hundreds of thousands of downloads later, many more articles have been published on tech websites and blogs worldwide.

I have decided to celebrate the last year of my toolkit’s success with a giveaway.

Continue reading “2017 Upcoming changes and toolkit giveaway!”


An educated, free thinking populus unchained by fear, sensationalism, conformance, extremist beliefs, and stubborn opinion would be ideal.  But until then…


Idiocracy! WEEEEEEE!

2016 Election Ballot

Our ballots came in the mail, hooray!

I am excited mostly to be done with this nightmare of an election.  My Facebook filter is working overtime to keep the political shared garbage out of my stream.  I haven’t seen too much thanks to Fluff Busting Purity facebook plugin:

I have it set to only show original content posted by people I know, no likes or shares show up.  Which means no memes and attention grabbing stuff.  I actually read the posts and see the original pictures that people put up when I am lurking on Facebook.

Some stuff sneaks by the filter, and I am so tired of hearing about the political circus.  I am almost tempted to vote for that idiot if the world keeps sharing the junk!  You know which one I am talking about, the idiot you hate the most that is running for President right now.


(Troll bait, I wouldn’t waste my vote!)

Thank you, World, for your kind words!

I have been receiving lots of great feedback from my All in One – System Rescue Toolkit from internet users around the world, and thought that I was replying back to everyone and thanking them for their kind words.

I have discovered that my emails were bouncing back and decided to look into it, I think that no one has been receiving my replies!

I just wanted to thank everyone out there for using and sharing this utility and your kind words for my efforts.  Hopefully my website glitch is fixed and my replies will reach you going forward!

1 week after publicity started for All in One – System Rescue Toolkit…

About 1 week ago, Alan Henry of LifeHacker was the first person to test and publish an article about my All in One – System Rescue Toolkit.  Thanks again Alan!

Since then, I have lost count sometime during the week on the number of downloads around the 5,000 mark mid-week (3-5 TB of data transferred) since the toolkit is designed to spread itself through BitTorrent.  The toolkit has gone worldwide with way too many countries to list, I can’t even keep track of the shares, new articles, and forum posts anymore!

It has always been a mission of mine to make the world a better place through my work in technology.  Thank you all for your continuing support and helping me realize this mission!