Do you use MalwareBytes Premium? I need your help!

UPDATE:  I have been informed by many of you that MalwareBytes is no longer blocking my website.  Thank you all for your support!

Here’s the scoop.

My toolkit website is being detected by some folks using MalwareBytes Premium as a malicious website.  I am not sure what I did to get blacklisted by MalwareBytes, but I believe it is through a false positive detection.  The link for “false positive” takes you directly to the MalwareBytes page explaining what a false positive is.

Continue reading “Do you use MalwareBytes Premium? I need your help!”

Server Outage 15 Aug 2017

Whew!  It looks like most of my web services are back up and running.

There is still some cleanup that needs to be done, but I was forced to upgrade my router today.

Thank you all for your patience!