Thank you, World, for your kind words!

I have been receiving lots of great feedback from my All in One – System Rescue Toolkit from internet users around the world, and thought that I was replying back to everyone and thanking them for their kind words.

I have discovered that my emails were bouncing back and decided to look into it, I think that no one has been receiving my replies!

I just wanted to thank everyone out there for using and sharing this utility and your kind words for my efforts.  Hopefully my website glitch is fixed and my replies will reach you going forward!

1 week after publicity started for All in One – System Rescue Toolkit…

About 1 week ago, Alan Henry of LifeHacker was the first person to test and publish an article about my All in One – System Rescue Toolkit.  Thanks again Alan!

Since then, I have lost count sometime during the week on the number of downloads around the 5,000 mark mid-week (3-5 TB of data transferred) since the toolkit is designed to spread itself through BitTorrent.  The toolkit has gone worldwide with way too many countries to list, I can’t even keep track of the shares, new articles, and forum posts anymore!

It has always been a mission of mine to make the world a better place through my work in technology.  Thank you all for your continuing support and helping me realize this mission!

LifeHacker features AiO-SRT, Server Overloaded!

My All in One – System Rescue Toolkit was featured on LifeHacker this weekend.  A very big thanks to Alan Henry for his review of my utility disc!

Since then, this website has been overloaded with requests and I am awaiting upgrades that should allow me to double the amount of traffic I can receive at any given moment.

The Google Drive direct download link has already hit its download limit for 24 hours, however the BitTorrent download is very healthy with a couple hundred seeders at the moment.

Thank you all for your interest and I hope that the website runs less sluggish as time goes on and the upgrades come into place.

Here is the excerpt and link to the LifeHacker article:

There’s no shortage of system rescue and repair discs you can download and keep handy for when your PC gives you problems, but this one, from reader Paul, is streamlined, simple, and has only a few effective tools on it (and no bloat!)

Source: This All-In-One System Rescue Toolkit Has Just the Right Tools to Troubleshoot Your PC

Making Facebook Usable Again!

I just found an awesome plugin called “FB Purity” which stands for “Fluff Busting Purity”.

Before I get into what this plugin does, think back to the earlier days of Facebook.  Find your family and friends, see what they are up to in their life, keep in touch.  Social media was simple and direct.  Facebook is so commercialized now that the built-in tools just don’t care about this experience that brought everyone in to begin with. Continue reading “Making Facebook Usable Again!”

All in One – System Rescue Toolkit, first week success!

Last week, I released my toolkit free for public use and download.  1 week later, over 120 unique downloads so far!  That is amazing how many people have taken an interest in such a short time frame!

Please continue to download and share this great utility that I use and hope you will enjoy using to repair common Windows Server and PC related issues!

Going forward, I will be releasing an “AiO-SRT Lite” version that contains only the 100% automated tasks and should be sufficient enough for people to download and fix some problems or at least generate log files to give to their technician to help repair common Windows PC problems.

“AiO-SRT Lite” will not contain the live CD environment or any real technician utilites and should be simple enough for the average PC user to download and run without having to do any manual tinkering “under the hood” and risk breaking stuff.

Look for the new automated “Lite” version coming soon!